
King Estate

Signature Collection Oregon Pinot Noir 2013

Visiting Oregon this weekend so I'm excited to try out some local wines. I found this Lorane valley Pinot and tried it out. Black cherry, cedar and baking spices. Very tart and light tannins. I'm excited to check out some more Oregon wines! #oregonwine #pinotnoir #kingestate — 9 years ago

King Estate

Acrobat Oregon Pinot Noir 2013

Delicious wine right. Seriously juicy and delightful with great acid and light on the tannins. My only criticism is that the alcohol is a tad too high- clocks in @ 13.5, but feels like 14%. My only suggestion to the wine maker is to dial it down. Seriously I mean you guys can afford to do that, and think how amazing it would be. I know your yeast can take it high to 13.5% but tame it down. Try it out guys, I'm eager to see how it comes out! #kingestate #oregonwines #wine — 10 years ago

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