Love this cab sav. Delicious now but would be even more so when cellared a few years. Leather notes mixed with blackberry notes. #cabsav #okanaganred — 8 years ago
Surprisingly still drinkable. @robertmondavi #NapaValley 1988 #cabsav 12.5% alcohol. They don't make wine like this anymore — 9 years ago
My quest for the perfect, cost effective South American red has begun. Really impressed by my first contender. Moras negras predictably but effectively dominate this smooth, signature Cab Sauv. #cabernetsauvignon #cabsauv #cabsav #blackberries #cuyo #trapiche #argentina — 9 years ago
David Kline
I know now this needs more time to integrate, but it’s down-soft in the background, so difficult to see a balanced future. Warm plum and black berry-currant, cranberry stuffing, rich chocolate, sherry trifle, all loosely sprinkled with fine graphite. Steamy jungle flora notes merge with hemp stem and black cherry skins. Hard chocolate entry bringing dried blackberry and even drier black cherry stripped naked in a sauna of chamomile and phantom eucalyptus outlines describing a swarthy shadow through steam. A recent denizen of the cedar benches, puffing sweet tobaccos? There is subtle power at play despite the fruit-forward leanings. I was initially on the fence with this. This one is enigmatic with a nod to Napa in the 1970s. #Napa #Walton #cab #cabernet #cabsauv4life #cabsav #california #egelhoff #EgelhoffWalton #Bobegelhoff #egelhoffwines #StHelena #sthelenacab — 7 years ago