
Cantina Ar.Pe.Pe.

Il Pettirosso Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio Nebbiolo 2016

Showing very well tonight. Great purity—so clean it feels like a health drink, which, of course it is. Nose of pure fruit, expansive palate—cherry, white pepper, & forest floor wrapped around a sweet high-toned jolly rancher core. Pretty as all get out. #arpepe — 4 years ago

Alsu Shakirova
with Alsu
Brian, Brian and 15 others liked this
Jim Wagonfeld

Jim Wagonfeld

Nice weekday wine. @Roy Whitehead would be proud.

Cantina Ar.Pe.Pe.

Rosso di Valtellina Chiavennasca 2009

Deirdre Heekin

Whispers of snowy hillside, spring blossom, sanguine summer heat, smoky autumn. Spices and cranberry make perfect Thansgiving wine. #turkeywithstuffing #arpepe #alpinewine — 11 years ago

Julia, Vinny and 3 others liked this

Cantina Ar.Pe.Pe.

Riserva Buon Consiglio Grumello Valtellina Superiore Nebbiolo 2013

Wow. Blinded I’d say premier cru burgundy. Slow ox then full decant for three hours. From Zalto burgundy glasses. Even having had the range of Arpepe, nothing quite prepared you for the riservas. Swimming in violets. Soft leather. Strawberries. Cherry cordial. Ferns, undergrowth. Mineral, fresh spring water. This is just entering the drinking window. A profound wine. #arpepe — 4 years ago

Alsu Shakirova
with Alsu
Aravind, PS and 15 others liked this

Cantina Ar.Pe.Pe.

Riserva Rocca de Piro Grumello Valtellina Superiore Nebbiolo 2006

Jessica Hereth

Double rainbow! #arpepe — 11 years ago

Serge liked this

Cantina Ar.Pe.Pe.

Rosso di Valtellina Chiavennasca 2018

Rustic elegance, great purity. Structured, lovely finish. Iron, graphite, cherry liqueur, welcoming bitterness, light tannic undergirding. This is their entry-level—LOL #arpepe — 4 years ago

Alsu Shakirova
with Alsu
Lyle, Neil and 13 others liked this