
(5305bb1be5c5cb8a3a001b98 -> 5305ba92352b69163a003c22) New Belgium Brewing

Voodoo Ranger 1985 IPA

Pineapple-grapefruit look blasts a big-bubbled white puff with even stacking. Igneous lacing formation churns into Pahoihoi. Grapefruit and pineapple match the drapes, with the pineapple turning jell-o with cream topping. Papaya and mango make the rounds, ripely. Clean palate of zesty lemon wrapped around just ripe mango, and a tangerine thing that rounds it to mango texture. Minerally pineapple suggests a weightless and steely finish, but the lime drops the dime to call it home. Good rotation back to white raspberry! #newbelgium #newbelgiumbrewing #voidooranger #ipa #indiapaleale #newbelgiumvoodoorangernineteeneightyfiveipa #voodoorangernineteeneightyfive #newbelgium1985 #1985ipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #rotatingseriesbeer — 5 years ago

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