One of the best get examples of American vio your likely to find. — 2 years ago
Natural type vio. Quite cloudy. Very aromatic - peach, apricot. Heady stuff. Super generous on the palate, very complex with the fruit tones balanced by a savory lanolin character and big time acacia notes. Like a liquid orchard at harvest time. Starts to oxidize relatively quickly and then the almond flavors kick in, adding interest. Really cool stuff, if a little warm and heavy. One glass is enough, but a quite enjoyable glass it was. — 6 years ago
Baller Vio. This, while ridiculously expensive, does push the limits of this varietal. Anyone who enjoys the world’s finest white wines should seek this out and treat yourself! — 4 years ago
Had by the glass first time at Zuni Cafe in SF. Love it and was quite a surprise to me. Love the grape. — 7 years ago
To me this showed a more restrained style of VIO, nuanced nose and palate in terms of luscious fruit and perfume, showed more cut, more phenolic character, very mineral. The unctuousness came across in the mouthfeel, viscous and oily but never flabby. Very deft oak here. Not an obvious VIO which adds intrigue and interest. I’m a fan! — 7 years ago
Awesome. Interesting. Full@bodied — 9 months ago
2012 in 11/23....Snagged from KL Auction in Cali days. Stored perfectly. Let down w my 1st SQN experience but poss my own fault for too patient. O2. Better on day 5. Rich, viscosity, peach, stone fruit. Alc seemed tame for 15.2...Ch,Rous,Vio, Pet Manseng...could tell this was once a fascinating and delicious wine though likely a btl i'd need help with. This one more interesting than delicious. Damn! — a year ago
93% Cab Franc and 7% Viognier. Never thought my two favorite varietals would blend together so perfectly! — 7 years ago
Lightest Kob Vio yet. No new wood. — 7 months ago