Drank at vineyard. Crisp — 8 years ago
Antiseptic, barnyard, leather, then carbonic bubbles, from bad animal — a year ago
すごく変化球感のあるテクニカルで、味わいも変化球感強いけど、何故か美味しい。今まで飲んだ中で1番不思議かも。 — 5 years ago
The lightest pineapple wafts above lemon oils misting over light alluvial rock surfaces. There are hints of lemon pudding, but they are not the vandal scrawl of winemaking delinquency, but crowning accoutrements to this lady's natural form. Seamless. #thecalling #duttonranch #chardonnay — 9 years ago
Vandal gonzo white
アプリコット、バニラ、メロン、マンダリン的。 — 5 years ago
Kirsch nose with a whisper of putrescence- big acidity into tarty stone fruit in the mouth. Neither Gabe or I have had the "Vandal Cliche" grape before. We dug it (Gabe saw possibilities) #VivaQuebec — 10 years ago
Twenty year old Pinot only begins to scratch the surface at Billy Crews. The Man started his cellar and restaurant in the early eighties. In 86 he got WS Grand Award of Excellence, and till this day he is one of less than 60 restaurants in the world with the distinction. He’s got more stories I his back pocket than than your favorite novelist. Paired with NY Prime Steak and Billy’s stories. — 15 days ago