En mag. Epic bottle. Took this home and night-capped it w three friends. Room to grow still, but hedonistic now. — 13 days ago
This is by far my favorite rose — 8 days ago
This was my rating 6 years ago. A perfect 10. Now, I’d say (and thanks Spinal Tap) an 11! Thanks Lenny for an awesome dinner:
The nose immediately established this CDP as royalty, and the palate followed accordingly. Silky smooth, big and round. Black fruit, Asian spice, black truffles. Pure as heck, layered with so much going on while your nostrils are sending your brain unseen before signals of red flowers, bacon frying and fairy dust. Should not have been better than the ‘01 but it was unanimous winner blind. — 17 days ago
robust and velvety — 14 days ago
Nose of faint cherry and hint of mint. You can taste the stems. A hint of spice, beautifully complexity. — 8 days ago
Classic CdP and an iconic producer. Blackberry, dark fruits, herbs, spice, olive, earth. Full bodied, but low-to-medium tannins and great concentration. Fantastic with Mediterranean food. — 21 days ago
Adam Gäfvert
I just got reminded of the joy young CdP brings. Raspberries, liqueur, garrigue, crushed stones. Seamless. Great integration. — 4 days ago