Glad we held it so long. Lovely. — a year ago
Really good. Crisp and full of citrus notes. — 4 years ago
Bright acidity, Baking cherry, forest floor — 4 years ago
Really nice. — a year ago
Zemlja bring the good-good. It was special fruity at first then chameleon complemented mah pizza by upping the spice. Yay. I predict Zemlja with go goth in the near future. — 2 years ago
Sunce big boy wine from Dry Creek Valley. High as hell ABV at 15.5%. Dark but not as black purple or black coffee colored as big Cab or Petite can be. Meat on the spit and leathers in the sun on nose. Hint of summer savory or cinnamon basil in there. Flavors are archetypal full on Zin. Savory with berries in abundance. Some licorice fern root, cola nut, and sarsaparilla bark in there too. Dense, complex, herbal and soulful. Pulled pork and bar b qued brisket would pair like peas and carrots or Bert and Ernie. It’s got all the things that makes Zinfandel unique and intriguing. — 4 years ago
Nice standard Suncé label. Dark, but pretty color. Edges of garnet. Smells berry-licious. Bit of wet rocks and compounds in the licorice family. Flavors are gratifying and full. Pine needles meet wild dark berries. Nice balance with a bit of the CA fruit bomb in there. Bit of jam. This is tasty wine in a New World style. Plenty of tongue smack with a lingering fruity finish. — a year ago
Beautiful browned French toast butter with unplugged en crout salmon. — 4 years ago
Clear and golden like sunshine in the mountains on an autumn day or the skin of a Golden Delicious apple. Light and airy aroma. Some flowers. Some citrus. Maybe a lemon herbal or green tea. Flavors are simple but gratifying. Dry. Hint of lemon bars. Slight camphor or eucalyptus, but plenty of bite both tannically and acid wise. Label says ‘honey’. Fits, but without the sweet. Essence of honey? Beeswax maybe. This is lovely paired with lemon cheese cake or spicy Thai food. — 4 years ago
Tree Kilpatrick
Amazing wine. Complete, complex and strange. Interesting, intriguing, and elegant. Fine wine at its best. Sad that my last bottle has been drunk. It’s damn good. — 3 months ago