A nice midwestern craft with a light ipa citrus splash — 7 years ago
What a wonderful brew! — 5 years ago
I tried this beer from Michigan at the new Craft + Carry on 7th Avenue in Chelsea. It’s an excellent crisp wheat beer. Another domestic favorite. — 4 years ago
This is Chardonnay Barreled beer. Hoppy and taste deep barrel flavour:-) Special gift for our anniversary from master of neighbour craft beer bar🍺 #mikkeller — 6 years ago
Had the point in a growler — 7 years ago
This is the best American Pilsener. Craft beer has come along way and this pils essentially matches what I grew up on in Hamburg Germany. Perfect to get ready for super bowl. — 7 years ago
Erik Longabardi
There’s a lot of silly people doing silly things in wine. There’s this what I call the “craft wine” movement akin to the “craft beer” period. It’s all tits on a bull. But this…this is beautiful. Reminds me to keep on perfecting my ciders and wines — 3 years ago