Lær og tobakk, kraftig først, mild etterpå. Litt bitter. — 3 years ago
Holding ground nicely. Expressive nose of green apples, fresh cut grass, lemonpeel and some white boned fruit. High acidity. Beautiful, well made and displaying terroir — 5 years ago
Yummy and chewy — 5 months ago
From Schneider’s, obviously after our trip through Blaye. Opened 12/10/2023. Potent tannic. Needs to breathe and maybe decant. — a year ago
Not sweet at all - great!! Tea berry and honey suckle. Dark fruit and spice. Love the flowery nose and pert pallet dry taste. Very nice!! — 4 years ago
I know a thing or two about Loire cab franc. This is a crazy wine. Light body. Complex. Faintest pyrazines, but totally integrated, so they only appear on the mid pallet and are disappear at the finish. bright, restrained red fruit. drying tannins on the back end. Almost alpine, underripe blackberries and cracked pepper. Drinks like a feminine Barbaresco with different fruit profile. Wild. — 6 months ago
Brown sugar & cracked pepper treated raspberries on the nose. One of the darker, fuller Moulins Ive found. That said the dark berries & tannins are balanced with fresh acidity and brighter, crisper fruit on the finish. Weight is wonderfully elegant. Showing great. — 5 years ago
David T
Independent Sommelier/Wine Educator
A steal for $39.99 on a recent purchase. Bought a case. While not sweet, wine candy. — 2 months ago