Amazing…. — 2 years ago
No formal notes, but such a joy...
Had it with wifey in plastic glasses, on the lawn, on a sunny day, on the right side of the street.
It was a magnum and we could not stop drinking it. I possess 2 more bottles that i should have no hurry to open, was such a success!!!😍😍🙏🙏
Super long after taste
Unique Burgundian expression — 3 years ago
Gabriel ayala sosa jk flores mauro pc — 3 months ago
Fun and funky. A little yeasty but overall a solid natural beaujolais — 5 months ago
A Régnié which expresses itself on the side of black cherries, kirsch, or Plum Eau de vie. The nose is very expressive and counterbalances a very dry character in the mouth, almost salty. Aerial, accurate. To drink.
Note revised upwards, at D+1 because it held up admirably and even opened up to additional nuances. A sincere wine. Really well done.
Un Régnié qui s’exprime du côté des cerises noires, kirsch, ou encore Eau de vie de prune. Le nez est très expressif et contrebalance un caractère très sec en bouche, quasi salin. Aérien, précis. À boire.
Note revue à la hausse, à J+1 car il a admirablement tenu et s’est même ouvert sur des nuances supplémentaires. Un vin sincère. Vraiment bien fait. — 3 years ago
I love these Thevenet Cru Morgons but they need a lot of age on them. The 2022 today has beautiful fruit on the nose but underwhelms on the palate. I feel like they add fruit and intensity as they age. NB it’s helped a lot by a long decant - even this young. Ps did adding Charly to the label take something away? — 3 months ago
完熟ブドウを使用。蜂蜜のような甘い香り、オイルのような滑らかさ@よるや6,000-7,000 retail price — 9 months ago
Perfect with jambalaya — 3 years ago
Alvaro Bustillos
Benito pita carlo m pablo c luis fdz jcsapien — 2 months ago