

Cabernet Merlot 2005

Encontré en mi pequeña cava esta maravilla, lo acompañamos en familia con unas carnes , muy buen vino, sabroso, soy de los que piensa que uno debe disfrutar el hoy, porque el mañana es un misterio, saludos #winelover #vino #pisco #winesofchina #wines #winelover #chinawines #cabernetmerlot #cabernetsauvignonmerlot — 4 years ago

Livio liked this

The Eyrie Vineyards

Secret Cellar Selection Barrel Reserve Pinot Noir 1986

The youngest 30 year old Pinot I've ever had. Truly fantastic with mañana more years to get even better. For a meager $381 it could be yours too — 9 years ago

Caiti Simons
with Caiti

Aurélien Chatagnier

Saint Joseph Syrah 2011

In a good spot. Probably needs some air. PNP'd half. Rest mañana. Still a little edgy. — 10 years ago

Lyle Fass
with Lyle
Anthony, Christopher and 2 others liked this
Lyle Fass

Lyle Fass Influencer Badge Premium Badge

This will be a 9.4 tomorrow.


RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz 2010 fruit....
red chocolate Tannis
Drank tonight ...
Should have decanted till mañana
— 9 years ago

Ryan liked this
Ryan Vento

Ryan Vento

Bet that was great!

Beringer Vineyards

Private Reserve Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2010

A beauty out of the gates! Let it sit though for greater happiness mañana 😄! — 10 years ago

Cortney Danner
with Cortney

Thousand Candles

Yarra Valley Shiraz Blend 2013

Very impressed that Delectable found this label. Crazy blend of Shiraz and Pinot, and a splash of Sauv Blanc. Excellent flavor profile. Popping on the attack but in a fresh and vibrant tense way. Not heavy. How did they do that? Thanks @Brad Page See you mañana. — 8 years ago

P liked this


Bechthold Vineyard Cinsault 2014

This is Turley — a lovely minerally 13% light red from Lodi with cranberry and soft spice notes??? Whoa, nice change of pace from the BIG Zins. Probably be even better mañana but don't think it's gonna last through tonight! — 9 years ago

Anthony, Chris and 2 others liked this

Bouchard Père et Fils

Beaune Teurons 1er Cru Pinot Noir

Teurons today Marconnets mañana! — 10 years ago