Delicious white with a lot of flavor and body of its own, went perfect with rich Christmas Eve feast of 7 fishes. — 8 years ago
Slight oxidation on the nose, evidenced by some port cella ring in the cork, however it still holds it own - on the palate it is well balanced between the wood and fruit - tannins are open and ready to drink - if storage had been better it would be interesting to have seen what this was like.
But I enjoy it never-the-less and looking forward to having it with my veal chop :) — 9 years ago
Easy to drink — 6 years ago
From my cella, bought close to release. Not uber complex, but fairly classic, floral, tar, aromatics and a very adult, black tea like tannic structure. Penetrating and persistent. Rocked it with pan roasted squab.
Could take more time in terms of structure, but probably not improving in aromatic complexity. — 8 years ago
!!! Bonarda...not PNoir... — 10 years ago
Na melhor companhia do mundo! 💖 I love him! @MisturaFusionCocina @Colombia 🇨🇴 — 8 years ago
Medium-dark purple, very youthful color, aromas of tan bark and redfruits, great balance, just a touch of heat in the very long finish, beautiful wine, can easily stand another 10+ years of cella ring! — 8 years ago
At cella bistro — 9 years ago
5-15 years cella ring — 11 years ago
Sarah Petrosky
As and I really enjoyed this Chardonnay. Would definitely be buying again. Got it through scout and cella,r so like to do a taste test beside other higher sulfite wine. — 5 years ago