Nice light gamay. — 4 years ago
What a nose. Mondeuse like but made from many wacky grapes. Fresh and deep .More later.
After 4 hours open.
Nose is dusty earthy and loads of berry fruit. Mineral and precise with just loads of fruit on the nose. So pure. Palate has loads of crunchy berry fruit that is blue and black with light tannin and terrific freshness. Sappy and even a little complex. Great value. — 5 years ago
Name means “Young Beast.” Southern Rhône Style Red blend of Grenache (53%), Syrah (36%) and Cinsault (11%). Made from grape grown in Washington State and trucked across the country to Eastern Pennsylvania for vinification and bottling. Bright garnet color. Aromas and flavors of ripe red fruit, purple flowers, beef jerky and black pepper. Totally fresh and lively. Nicely balanced acidity and well suited to pair with a wide range of foods. — a year ago
Spice, dark red fruit, blackberry, black cherry and plum, smooth — 5 years ago
Full of flavour, juicy berries and a very special rosé - karasakiz is a local unique grape!
Dazu: Kastanien-Plov mit Walnusskruste / Blumenkohl - Malve - Sonnenblume / Mangold - Walnusspaste - Rote Bete — 4 years ago
Had at bar bete. Lot of pear, good residual sugar. Easy drinking. 2019 — 4 years ago
Nez - la bete
Chocolate, fruit confit,
Bouché - épicé,
Canard, sanglier, sauce au vin, viande forte, etc — 6 years ago
Ivan Wolpert
Amy’s bday - bar bete- lemon, a little schist- great minerality. — 12 days ago