The way Chardonnay should taste. — 9 years ago
2013 in second month of quarantine and heading into 14th Anniversary. This is “Princess Bride” wine, “Inconceivable!”... — 5 years ago
Smells smokey and berry-ish. Apples. Flavors are nice; berries, chocolate and spice. Has decent balance. Pretty classic SB Pinot. Has some body. Has Pinot flavors. Drinks above it’s price point, especially since it was a Grocery Outlet score for like $8. Label is a bit much. — 6 years ago
Inconceivable, delicious
I smell fraud wine but delicious non the less ! — 10 years ago
Lyle Fass

Founder Fass Selections
Gorgeous and mature QBA with outrageous length, acids and texture. Just an awesome wine and really showing well. 9.5 for an 11 year old QBA? This really is stunning. The length is inconceivable for a wine of this pedigree. And that haunting texture. Wow! — 6 months ago