Figli D'italia

E. Pira & Figli (Chiara Boschis)

Cannubi Barolo Nebbiolo 2020

2020 vintage. Tasted with the winemaker. As befitting the vintage in the region, this is waay more approachable than you would suspect. Ripe and daresay, opulent. That is not a word I've ever pulled out of the quiver regarding Barolo but certainly appropriate in this case. Heavy body. Texture is unfined and unfiltered but didn't confirm/inquire when tasting. Big, fruity nose. Had this been in a blind tasting, woulda gone down swinging positing this as a Brunello. Absolutely delicious but definitely atypical. So extreme that it's hard to predict how this will age. 7-10 years could find this dropping all the ornamental fruit/body and getting down to expected Barolo biz or could slowly thin out and hold onto those California fruit bomb vestiges. $120 a bottle resto cost. 02.07.25. — 24 days ago

Jan, Andrew and 17 others liked this

Francesco Rinaldi e Figli

Le Brunate Barolo Nebbiolo 2012

Drinking beautifully - with D & L & Rams — 12 days ago

Debbie Kim
with Debbie

Giacomo Borgogno & Figli

No Name Langhe Nebbiolo

A Barolo in all but name (“No Name”). A beautiful expression of Nebbiolo. — 2 months ago

Mary Cianfrocca
with Mary

E. Pira & Figli (Chiara Boschis)

Mosconi Barolo Nebbiolo 2020

2020 vintage. Tasted with the winemaker. Last tasted 10.02.24 (9.1). This definitely picked up steam. Medium-heavy body. Occupying an interesting space in bringing some structure but more fruit/voluptuousness than expected from the region. Rated same vintage, same producer Cannubi effort a 9.5 but that was even more over the top. This has slightly more restraint and, priced at $90 a bottle resto cost, is better value. Wouldn't expect to age this vintage the usual 20-30 years for Barolo as it's currently a PNP. Would pick up three for now. One to drink in 2035 and another to crack in 2050 for giggles. 02.07.25. — 24 days ago

Andrew, Bob and 13 others liked this
Pinotman /// Andreas

Pinotman /// Andreas

Well i might be not on this earth in 2050. Kids though might have fun.

Azienda Agricola Negro Angelo e Figli

Angelin Langhe Nebbiolo 2022

Really enjoyed this! Drank while writing wedding postcards. Especially enjoyed the scent. — 5 days ago

Giacomo Borgogno & Figli

Antichi Vigneti Propri Riserva Barolo Nebbiolo 1967

Opened just prior to service and poured into a decanter. This is the second time I have had the opportunity to enjoy the 1967 Riserva although, the previous bottle was a more recent library release from the Borgogno cellars. This was a period release and yet, the experience was similar.

The 1967 Riserva pours a deep garnet color with a transparent core moving towards a slightly orange rim. Medium viscosity with no staining of the tears and some slight signs of sediment. On the nose, the wine is vinous but showing much more power than the ‘67 Abbazia SS Annunziata we drank on the same evening. Again, there is a lovely mix of ripe and desiccated red and dark fruits with forest floor, porcini, dried roses, tar, some tobacco, dried herbs, dusty earth and exotic spices. On the palate, the wine is dry; medium+ tannins and medium+ acid. Confirming the notes from the nose. The finish is long a savory. My previous notes suggested to drink now and while I still hold fast to that statement, twice in the span of 18mos with two separate bottlings encourages me to be a bit more bullish and suggest this has many years, perhaps decades left in the tank.
— 2 months ago

Ira, Jan and 20 others liked this

E. Pira & Figli (Chiara Boschis)

Via Nuova Barolo Nebbiolo 2020

2020 vintage. Tasted with the winemaker. The "safe spot" in the current lineup. Verry approachable vintage for Barolo and this effort comes the closest to upholding usual expectations. Medium body. Some earth/dirt. Fruit apparent but not nearly the oodles cascading over the infinity juice pool as from this producer's 2020 Cannubi or Mosconi efforts. Structure solidly in place. Delicious. $80 resto cost. 02.07.25. — 24 days ago

Bob, Daniel and 14 others liked this


I’m a fan!

E. Pira & Figli (Chiara Boschis)

Superiore Barbera d'Alba 2022

2022 vintage. Tasted with the winemaker. Excellent punch, richness and drinkability. Medium-medium heavy body with a sustained fruity finish. $29 resto cost a bottle. Woulda picked up the last two cases available but recently committed to a few cases of another Barbera d'Alba that showed just as well. If I come across this on a resto list, I'll hit it. 02.07.25. — 24 days ago

Andrew, Daniel and 9 others liked this

Giacomo Brezza & Figli

Sarmassa Barolo Nebbiolo 2014

Light bright soft tannins berry fruit — a month ago