'95 is still drinking great. — 6 years ago
Have to say at almost 20 years old still bringing it. The fruits were still active and the tannins were present, but not oppressive. Drank quite well. For the price point I thought it was pretty decent — 4 months ago
Nice balance, good berries up front and pepper and a little leather. I felt it could have a little more depth. Ugo liked it more than me. Aged well. Nice treat. — 3 years ago
First time having a Soufflé and no better place than Le Soufflé in Paris. India went with the Henry VI Soufflé which is a cheese Soufflé with a chicken and mushroom sauce. I went with the beef bourguignon.
Deep ruby core with lighter edges and fine sediment. Aged beautifully with some dark plums, damp earthiness and moist tobacco leaves. Balanced with medium tannins (6/10) and medium plus to full bodied. Well integrated with dark berries, tobacco leaves, and solid acidity. Drink till 2024.
— 7 years ago
Bought for a tasting, forgot to do the notes. Cassis, mint, cigar box, olive tapenade, nice acid. Threw some sediment, so needed to decant. Very nice. — 5 months ago
2016 vintage. — 9 months ago
Smooth full body and tasting of berry fruits — 5 years ago
Yan Gagnon
Robe rubis claire, pas la plus dense. Un nez qui semblait poussiéreux au début mais qui s'ouvre vers du fruits et de chocolat. Le bois n'est pas totalement intégré. La bouche est sèche avec un bois légèrement astringent. Une bonne dose de tabac se fait sentir tout comme un fruits jeune. — 9 days ago