The Gummy Bear of sake; in the best sense! Really enjoyed this. Drank this along with a small can of Funaguchi Gold. Those two sakes taste like close cousins. — 6 years ago
Absolute gold color! Yeasty toast nose, with a lemon oil and zesty pith over crystalline tangerine zest, lemongrass ice, she is a lightning streak of citrus in a blur of tartar biscuit and iron. Unbelievable finesse, naked as the day she was born, but every bit a Germantes! #extrabrut #champagne #dehours #brut — 10 years ago
Born in Croatia, made its way to southern Italy where it was named Primitivo. Fortunately, the imperial nursery of Vienna catalogued specimens of the vine, which sourced a journey to New England in 1829. In the true American spirit, Zinfandel found it’s home in California during the Gold Rush of 1849.
This Dessert Wine is bold, lots of spice with a light peppery finish, rich smooth and jammy.
— 2 years ago
Lovely finish, sweet finish. Not too dry. Some floral notes. — 3 years ago
At the 12th year since the wine was born, this gold cap doesn’t taste like an old Riesling at all. Yet, it doesn’t have the fresh tropical fruit punch experienced from the 2007 version. All that being said, this wine distinguished itself as a delicate artwork. It is a pristine raisin nectar bomb. It is so balanced, so precise, so tender, yet so concentrated. Everything, sweetness, acidity, and minerality have been integrated beautiful together over the years. This wine reminds me of how good a sweet Riesling can be without sticky viscosity. Serve closer to room temperature. — 6 years ago
One of my favorite junmai daiginjo right now. Smooth and clean! — 9 years ago
Norman Gennaro
I’m a fan — 6 months ago