W52. Good punchy body without being too drying on the palate. Very enjoyable. — 3 years ago
Can I just say that people who post Matt had the 2017 vintage or Sally had the 2015 are complete assholes. No one has the slightest interest in which vintage you tried if you were too preoccupied or whatever to make interesting or intelligent critique of the wine.
Liked this wine and would buy it again. Tinto. Label doesn't provide the grapes.
From the internet; Made from the traditional grape varieties of the region, Tinta Roriz, Jaen, Alfrocheiro and Touriga Nacional, this is a simple and fruity wine that maintains the freshness and elegance typical of Dão wines. — 3 years ago
Beautiful Dao red — meaty and earthy yet refined. It took some time to breathe but delicious with my Christmas Eve meal.
This winery also makes great Portuguese olive oil. — a month ago
Adi fev22 — 3 years ago
Simples e divertido, como pular amarelo amarelinha (Rayuela em espanhol). Uma calçada, um pedaço de giz e uma pequena pedra. Um convite a rememorar a simplicidade da vida que aviva.
Como este vinho, que traz aroma de amora, ameixa, pimenta negra e tabaco. Sabores de ameixa silvestre, chá preto e ervas aromáticas, combinadas com suaves taninos que levam a um final persistente e equilibrado. — 3 years ago
Well aged. This brings back good memories of Portugal. — 2 months ago
In Lagos Portugal — 2 years ago
Dry and fruity — 3 years ago
Great rosé! — 5 years ago
Christopher sorgie
Was searching for montepulciano d’bruzzo and this was recommended as a lower price point alternative. LOVES IT — a month ago