Served blind. On fist sip I thought cab franc. On second merlot. I was told it was a blend. I figured cool blue fruits it could be Sonoma. It was a bit closed at first but 30 minutes later it exploded with a plushy softness. Wonderful frangipani, cardamom and reddish cassis. This is really quite beautiful and a real treat. Thank you Ray for sharing. — 9 years ago
Such an amazing rainbow of fruits from the blue black and red family and even some orange peel at the end. Great texture and liltiness. Dense without being heavy. Well done Ed! — 10 years ago
mike had this 8 years ago
What a beautiful perfectly positioned wine. Love the expressive nose of sweet blackberries and smokey cardomom. Palate shows wonderful creaminess of black/red fruits starting with some sweet ripe blackberries, boysenberries and red currant. This is still textured and layered perfectlu. It is elegance personified and really in a wonderful place at this moment. Weightless and deft, this glides across the palate effortlessly. Balance is perfect and finish brutally long. This is the schnizzzle all the others want to be. Wow (95 pts.) — 9 years ago
pretty color of dark ruby with the most purple of edges that seem to glow. The nose is haunting with the freshest black raspberries and dark strawberries. There is a super high-tone to this most fragrant nose. Palate shows a superbly knitted Pinot with so many layers. Deeply rich but yet lithe on the tongue, this mesmerizes the senses. For such a youthful wine it shows some playfulness; it's elegant and focused. After 10 minutes I get this amazing Violet candy thing (Choward's) that I really really dig. It's intensity shoots from the glass and if you hold the glass to your nose long enough you catch the exact moment it turns down and goes to a sassparilla. Crazy huh? Tannins are well hidden but clearly in place and balance is one with itself. Another few minutes and the sassparilla thing comes across the palate left to right to left. Finish is long and robust. I gotta tell you, this is certainly a unique (to me) Pinot experience that I can get hooked on. wow — 10 years ago
Color is medium pale with a heart of amber. Nose of cool black macerated blackberries. Super fragrant and unique in it's approach. It displays some wonderful heady spiciness amidst a cornucopia of black fruits. Palate shows intensity and super-focus. I love it's cool expression tonight and really appreciate some notes of cola, sassafras and framboise. Finish long and true. This is one distinctive Pinot. — 9 years ago
Opens expressively and full with deep dark fruits layered within a structure not often encountered. Beautifully textured and wonderfully aromatic
This is beautiful. My last bottle and it was glorious. — 9 years ago
Pretty nose. Deft palate with a silky underspoken mouthfeel. Semi sweet cranberries with a hint of orange peel. Very nice ineedy. — 10 years ago
mike pobega
Such a perfect place this is in right now. Soft and velvety while being big boned and lofty. Nose of red black fruits with hints of cardamom and cassis. A near perfect showing that matched perfectly with some amazing filet mignon. Just lovely. — 7 years ago