
Now we're talking sense- bright orange. Tannins, aromatics, acid and body. The whole party swimming about happily in 3 magnums. Thank the Grand Fromage for staff parties
Now we're talking sense- bright orange. Tannins, aromatics, acid and body. The whole party swimming about happily in 3 magnums. Thank the Grand Fromage for staff parties
Nov 9th, 2015Zesty and refreshing but sports a rather poor finale. Overpriced.
Zesty and refreshing but sports a rather poor finale. Overpriced.
Jun 17th, 2017
Interesting production from Slovenia. Orange wine and fantastically natural.
Interesting production from Slovenia. Orange wine and fantastically natural.
Jun 1st, 2016
One of the most interesting wines I've ever drank. Almost cider or a citrusy beer (think blue moon) notes.
One of the most interesting wines I've ever drank. Almost cider or a citrusy beer (think blue moon) notes.
Jun 7th, 2015Ufff vinos naturales . Lo amas o lo odias.... Te amoooo #winelover #vinitaly #italia #wine#wineporn #friuli #vitovska#sommelier
Ufff vinos naturales . Lo amas o lo odias.... Te amoooo #winelover #vinitaly #italia #wine#wineporn #friuli #vitovska#sommelier
Apr 30th, 2015