
Now we're talking sense- bright orange. Tannins, aromatics, acid and body. The whole party swimming about happily in 3 magnums. Thank the Grand Fromage for staff parties
Now we're talking sense- bright orange. Tannins, aromatics, acid and body. The whole party swimming about happily in 3 magnums. Thank the Grand Fromage for staff parties
Nov 9th, 2015
Happiness is an orange wine with lunch. Wet leaves and melon and candied citrus filtered through pulverized stone.
Happiness is an orange wine with lunch. Wet leaves and melon and candied citrus filtered through pulverized stone.
Oct 7th, 2015
Was impressed with the 2010 in 2016, but this 2020 not so much tonight. Admittedly, I think it’s me. I’m the problem.
Was impressed with the 2010 in 2016, but this 2020 not so much tonight. Admittedly, I think it’s me. I’m the problem.
May 3rd, 2024