Winzergenossenschaft Mayschoss-Altenahr
Edition Ponsart Nr. Trocken Spätburgunder
Vintage 2019 | high in bitters, dinnerwine. With food it gains in attraction.
Vintage 2019 | high in bitters, dinnerwine. With food it gains in attraction.
Jul 12th, 2024Pinot from a country situated amongst the most northerly wine growing regions on the planet, where wine is proudly labeled by how ripe their grapes can even become in their colder habitat. This Ponsard No. 26 Pinot Noir from the world's oldest vintner cooperative was something to behold. Deeply earthen, dark fruit notes and minerality come out of an old and wooden closet, with a leaving of mushrooms and roses.
Pinot from a country situated amongst the most northerly wine growing regions on the planet, where wine is proudly labeled by how ripe their grapes can even become in their colder habitat. This Ponsard No. 26 Pinot Noir from the world's oldest vintner cooperative was something to behold. Deeply earthen, dark fruit notes and minerality come out of an old and wooden closet, with a leaving of mushrooms and roses.
Jun 7th, 2017