Минеральный, каменный аромат, замша, уголь, немного ягод. Строго, сухо. Вкус полный, ягодный, симпатично. 16/20 (89/100)
Минеральный, каменный аромат, замша, уголь, немного ягод. Строго, сухо. Вкус полный, ягодный, симпатично. 16/20 (89/100)
Feb 20th, 2015
Solid. Tar and violet on the nose. Not as stunning as some other '10 BdMs, but not disappointing.
Solid. Tar and violet on the nose. Not as stunning as some other '10 BdMs, but not disappointing.
May 31st, 2017
2010 vintage, less Earthy than other Brunellos I've had, sort of a Sangiovese / Cab Franc blend, nice smooth finish for this versatile table red.
2010 vintage, less Earthy than other Brunellos I've had, sort of a Sangiovese / Cab Franc blend, nice smooth finish for this versatile table red.
Nov 9th, 2015