Frauenkirchner Haideboden Blaufränkisch St. Laurent

After the first whiff, which suggests PN or gamay, a pronounced floral scent appears; it's like sticking your face into a bouqet of wild-flowers. Really amazing nose! The taste is red-fruity, moderately oak-scented, well balanced, and just delicious. This Austrian wine of Blaufrankisch, Zweigelt and CS is a fresh, floral and exciting wine (and I am not easily excitable on a Monday night).
After the first whiff, which suggests PN or gamay, a pronounced floral scent appears; it's like sticking your face into a bouqet of wild-flowers. Really amazing nose! The taste is red-fruity, moderately oak-scented, well balanced, and just delicious. This Austrian wine of Blaufrankisch, Zweigelt and CS is a fresh, floral and exciting wine (and I am not easily excitable on a Monday night).
Aug 28th, 2017
Deep red color, soft tannins, black cherry, some sweet red cherry too. Nice rich mouthfeel.
Deep red color, soft tannins, black cherry, some sweet red cherry too. Nice rich mouthfeel.
Oct 9th, 2014
Very nice but a bit straightforward at this moment. Maybe more complexity will come with time? Tannins are very integrated and quit soft. Really reminiscent of a Rhône blend.
Very nice but a bit straightforward at this moment. Maybe more complexity will come with time? Tannins are very integrated and quit soft. Really reminiscent of a Rhône blend.
Feb 25th, 2021
мягкий лавр, черемуха, сладкая слива, кондитерские специи. Во вкусе вишневые косточки, много сахара, мягко, тяжеловатое тело, но довольно изящно, больше средней длины. 89/100
мягкий лавр, черемуха, сладкая слива, кондитерские специи. Во вкусе вишневые косточки, много сахара, мягко, тяжеловатое тело, но довольно изящно, больше средней длины. 89/100
Feb 25th, 2018
Very complex with dark fruits, stinging nettle (!), acidity & nougat.
Very complex with dark fruits, stinging nettle (!), acidity & nougat.
Jan 3rd, 2018Mediumbodied with a nice mouthfeel and good balance. Blueberries & aronia. Quite straightforward and fruit driven, would expect a bit more complexity.
Mediumbodied with a nice mouthfeel and good balance. Blueberries & aronia. Quite straightforward and fruit driven, would expect a bit more complexity.
May 2nd, 2017