
I'm idling because this little Greek gem was under $10! Had the whole tool kit --fruit, acid, flavor, balance. -- in spades. Need to get more before the deal disappears. Should cost a fair bit more.
I'm idling because this little Greek gem was under $10! Had the whole tool kit --fruit, acid, flavor, balance. -- in spades. Need to get more before the deal disappears. Should cost a fair bit more.
Feb 8th, 2014
Floral, white peach. A nice balance of fruitiness and acidity. Eminently drinkable on a nice warm day. Kind of reminds me of Vinho Verde.
Floral, white peach. A nice balance of fruitiness and acidity. Eminently drinkable on a nice warm day. Kind of reminds me of Vinho Verde.
Apr 27th, 2024A kind of ‘greek vino verde’ , poolside delight. Neat #sample
A kind of ‘greek vino verde’ , poolside delight. Neat #sample
May 3rd, 2018
smells of grass, wet stone, white peach, pear, some white flowers
...this had a rich texture, but medium mouthfeel with good acidity.... a very balanced wine in several respects...tastes of lemon, lemongrass, white peach, bitter almond, wet slate. pretty fascinating mix of fruit, earth, and vegetation.... great complexity for the price.
smells of grass, wet stone, white peach, pear, some white flowers
...this had a rich texture, but medium mouthfeel with good acidity.... a very balanced wine in several respects...tastes of lemon, lemongrass, white peach, bitter almond, wet slate. pretty fascinating mix of fruit, earth, and vegetation.... great complexity for the price.