Пряно, маково, не слишком интенсивно, черемуха, симпатично. 16/20 (90/100)
Пряно, маково, не слишком интенсивно, черемуха, симпатично. 16/20 (90/100)
Feb 15th, 2015
Maria Teresa urlo di lupo. Lucchese wine - red blend of many wines including Sangiovese, Merlot, Syrah, etc. deep ruby. On the nose, Smokey, cherry. On the palate, fruity with red fruits and currants. Strong tannins.
Maria Teresa urlo di lupo. Lucchese wine - red blend of many wines including Sangiovese, Merlot, Syrah, etc. deep ruby. On the nose, Smokey, cherry. On the palate, fruity with red fruits and currants. Strong tannins.
Jun 23rd, 2024
Lucca wine, mild, good with Toscana's food.
Lucca wine, mild, good with Toscana's food.
Mar 27th, 2016
Enjoyable cab, merlot blend. A bit more fruit. The label makes it stand out. Great QPR.
Enjoyable cab, merlot blend. A bit more fruit. The label makes it stand out. Great QPR.
Jul 21st, 2015