Horror and distain! Sadness and a profound sense of loss. CORKED!! Found some of these gems dusted and hidden in a rack in the back of the closet. Filed away for a 09-10ish sunny day, but somehow forgotten. This was the last soldier. The final statement in a glorious offering. It was believed that, from the start he wanted to be as bold and nutty, yet as complex as the rest of his squad. He too only wanted to blaze in the fierce pouring that would have been. Perhaps?
We will never know...:(
Horror and distain! Sadness and a profound sense of loss. CORKED!! Found some of these gems dusted and hidden in a rack in the back of the closet. Filed away for a 09-10ish sunny day, but somehow forgotten. This was the last soldier. The final statement in a glorious offering. It was believed that, from the start he wanted to be as bold and nutty, yet as complex as the rest of his squad. He too only wanted to blaze in the fierce pouring that would have been. Perhaps?
We will never know...:(
Apr 22nd, 2017
v1998. Blackberry, tobacco, and coffee aromas, with similar flavors, bright and youthful fruit with a huge finish. This wine has the stuffing to go another 5 to 10 years, easily, maybe more.
v1998. Blackberry, tobacco, and coffee aromas, with similar flavors, bright and youthful fruit with a huge finish. This wine has the stuffing to go another 5 to 10 years, easily, maybe more.
Sep 19th, 2015