Ed Lehrman
Quite delicious and restrained for CA Cab.
Jesse Pender
Assistant Winemaker Delicato Family Vineyards
Great balance and expression that should only get better with more time in the bottle.
Yianni Stone
So much life. Bright cherries; Ukiah fruit.
Tom Elliot
Founder Northwest Wines
Surprised. Well aged and in fine condition.
Scott Wren
Beautiful 11 yr old Cab. Deeply plummy and slightly sweet. Stood up to grilled lamb T-bone like a relative.
Jeremy Coffey
'88 represent. Piney open and smokey down the line. 1.5L has a lot of life.
Gordon Walker
Very green, kinda hot, ethyl acetate, kinda got
Christopher Bates
Master Sommelier, Owner/Winemaker Element Winery
Mag of happy.
Jason Rzutkiewicz
Wine Blogger Jason's Wine Blog
I've had many Navarro Cabs over the years but this goes down as one of my favorites...