Lovely full bodied Chardonnay. Apricots, honey and hazelnut. Med-firm acidity with lightly buttered oak. Lemon pith on the finish.
Lovely full bodied Chardonnay. Apricots, honey and hazelnut. Med-firm acidity with lightly buttered oak. Lemon pith on the finish.
Sep 14th, 2019
Oxidized a bit; peaked around 30-40 min in with a nice buttery richness and super golden hue. Acidity somewhat over the top but still nice vanilla and grapefruit to enjoy.
Edit: on the second day - much better balance!
Oxidized a bit; peaked around 30-40 min in with a nice buttery richness and super golden hue. Acidity somewhat over the top but still nice vanilla and grapefruit to enjoy.
Edit: on the second day - much better balance!
Mar 4th, 2018