Tom Elliot
Founder Northwest Wines
The name of this wine is actually Sparkling Pinot Blanc. Nice wine. Good look, nose, and mouthfeel, with pear and long mineral flavors.
Christy Canterbury MW
Master of Wine
Where did the day go? Chasing away the humidity w/a #LongIsland bubbly. Rocking traditional method #PinotBlanc !
Eileen Duffy DWS
Lieb Cellars #sparklingpinotblanc #birthdaywine
Jeremy Meyer
Tday - tour d'america - wine #1
Adela Mou
Adela had this 8 years ago
Steve Bottieri
Steve had this 9 years ago
Justin Alexander
Justin had this 9 years ago
Ramesh had this 9 years ago
Catherine Welker
Catherine had this 10 years ago
Marc Nation
Marc had this 11 years ago