Man I wish all the recent Chablis I tasted had been that good. La chablisienne is one of very best cooperatives in France in my opinion. I have never been disappointed.
Crushed oyster shells and gunpowder on the nose along with lemony touches. You cannot be wrong about what this wine is... The palate is very well balanced, lacks a tiny bit of acidity to be impressive, yet some nice lemony notes are popping up all along. There is a chalky quality to the mouthfeel too. The finish is rather short and shows mostly lemon and they chalk thing. It's inexpensive and rather good.
Man I wish all the recent Chablis I tasted had been that good. La chablisienne is one of very best cooperatives in France in my opinion. I have never been disappointed.
Crushed oyster shells and gunpowder on the nose along with lemony touches. You cannot be wrong about what this wine is... The palate is very well balanced, lacks a tiny bit of acidity to be impressive, yet some nice lemony notes are popping up all along. There is a chalky quality to the mouthfeel too. The finish is rather short and shows mostly lemon and they chalk thing. It's inexpensive and rather good.
Jan 29th, 2023
Great simple Chablis.. green fruit and citrus characteristic of the region. Light/med body medium finish. Creamy and drinkable.. great for sunny days on the back porch with your bubble gum hanging out.
Great simple Chablis.. green fruit and citrus characteristic of the region. Light/med body medium finish. Creamy and drinkable.. great for sunny days on the back porch with your bubble gum hanging out.
Mar 23rd, 2019