Krystal Vento
9 flights over 4 days
Austin Nowers
Acidic and tart.
V acidic, but with a smooth and easy finish. These little sauv blancs might be growing on me.
Tracie Caller
Tropical, crisp
Joyce Alfonso-Bautista
Delicious, fruity & light; paired greatly with my savory, thousand-calories per bite shrimp & grits and chicken fried lobster tails. YUM.
Carolyn Frawley
Drank this on the deck of the cabin. A sauv drinkers sauv.
Markus Alexander
No finish, unbalanced tropical fruit and slight astringency.
Lauren Young
crisp fruit, perfectly lovely for a sunny afternoon
Enjoyable for a backyard barbecue -2014 vintage
Satoshi Fukuroe