Vintage 2011 | Friday holiday diner with brother and sister in law. Sausages, pâtés and charcuterie. This unpretentious demi sec Chenin Blanc with ten bottle years gave much joy and paired perfect.
Vintage 2011 | Friday holiday diner with brother and sister in law. Sausages, pâtés and charcuterie. This unpretentious demi sec Chenin Blanc with ten bottle years gave much joy and paired perfect.
Jul 31st, 2021
Oct 21st, 2015
2009. Demi-Sec and Scandal with the roomie
2009. Demi-Sec and Scandal with the roomie
Mar 28th, 2015
2009 vintage. Not as good as the '08s, but still one of my favorites.
2009 vintage. Not as good as the '08s, but still one of my favorites.
Nov 20th, 2012
Great wine. Sweeter not cloying. Structure richness and polish
Great wine. Sweeter not cloying. Structure richness and polish
Jul 19th, 2020
Delightfully sweet & crisp! Yummy with food, but not dry enough for me for summer drinking
Delightfully sweet & crisp! Yummy with food, but not dry enough for me for summer drinking
Dec 21st, 2018
Sweet, touch of complexity, refreshing
Sweet, touch of complexity, refreshing
Oct 12th, 2017
So good!
May 26th, 2017
Clean and refreshing w white peaches, apples, and light ginger notes and just off-dry. Had this open for a couple of days and it paired well w a variety of foods, including Indian food and Asian spiced chicken.
Clean and refreshing w white peaches, apples, and light ginger notes and just off-dry. Had this open for a couple of days and it paired well w a variety of foods, including Indian food and Asian spiced chicken.
May 8th, 2016
Peach minerality, great pair with bold meal like a curry or Thai. Light body. Dry. And a honeyed finish with plenty of acid.
Peach minerality, great pair with bold meal like a curry or Thai. Light body. Dry. And a honeyed finish with plenty of acid.
Oct 17th, 2015