If I was a man of greater means, this tasting would represent an annual ritual of sampling. As it was, we got a one time peek into the upward climb of such intensity and focus- all coiled violets and crushed black fruits. It’s so coiled it almost snarls in the glass. Part 5 of the first half of guys weekend.
If I was a man of greater means, this tasting would represent an annual ritual of sampling. As it was, we got a one time peek into the upward climb of such intensity and focus- all coiled violets and crushed black fruits. It’s so coiled it almost snarls in the glass. Part 5 of the first half of guys weekend.
May 8th, 2021
Perfumed red fruit, fresh, tart, cinnamon spice,,mushroom, red plum/hoisin...delightful
Perfumed red fruit, fresh, tart, cinnamon spice,,mushroom, red plum/hoisin...delightful
Sep 30th, 2019
Perfumed and surprisingly ripe tannins for a 2013, high acid, highly structured, serious fruit
Perfumed and surprisingly ripe tannins for a 2013, high acid, highly structured, serious fruit
Mar 3rd, 2017