A youthful nose of violets, faint smoke and spice. In the mouth the vintages’s telltale acidity is front and center and encase the red and dark fruit along with subtle earth notes. Tannins are there but unobtrusive. Plenty of current pleasure but certainly can be held
A youthful nose of violets, faint smoke and spice. In the mouth the vintages’s telltale acidity is front and center and encase the red and dark fruit along with subtle earth notes. Tannins are there but unobtrusive. Plenty of current pleasure but certainly can be held
May 17th, 2021
2005. Huge nose, very hedonistic, red and black fruits, bacon, big and luscious, stunning tannins, great wine in the grand cru tradition.
2005. Huge nose, very hedonistic, red and black fruits, bacon, big and luscious, stunning tannins, great wine in the grand cru tradition.
Mar 28th, 2013