All smiles in the exposition, but the climax some two hours in was truly breathtaking. It was all mineral, mineral, mineral - the undeniable theme of this tale! So much so that it even permeated the nose, with chalky aromas mingled in with notes of cherries, strawberries, roses, and spices, incense almost. And the palate, oh the palate - just brimming with limestone energy. It’s hard to believe there’s just fruit in the bottle. The chalky, saline flavours and the grainy tannins made the rock almost palpable in the glass. Ah, such persistent minerality. Most definitely the best showing in the evening, but could potentially be legendary with time.
All smiles in the exposition, but the climax some two hours in was truly breathtaking. It was all mineral, mineral, mineral - the undeniable theme of this tale! So much so that it even permeated the nose, with chalky aromas mingled in with notes of cherries, strawberries, roses, and spices, incense almost. And the palate, oh the palate - just brimming with limestone energy. It’s hard to believe there’s just fruit in the bottle. The chalky, saline flavours and the grainy tannins made the rock almost palpable in the glass. Ah, such persistent minerality. Most definitely the best showing in the evening, but could potentially be legendary with time.
Jun 25th, 2023