A great value, if there ever was, from Burgundy. Not flabby, showing a lovely thread of acidity, apple flavors and aromas, lemony, with a touch of minerality. Yummy.
A great value, if there ever was, from Burgundy. Not flabby, showing a lovely thread of acidity, apple flavors and aromas, lemony, with a touch of minerality. Yummy.
Mar 8th, 2018
Better than the last bottle I had. Even better on day two with more fleshy melon, crisp stone fruit and a further panoply of fruit that were hidden on day one.
Better than the last bottle I had. Even better on day two with more fleshy melon, crisp stone fruit and a further panoply of fruit that were hidden on day one.
Feb 6th, 2017
Pretty complex nose with pear, seaweed/roasted nori and a touch of wet stone. Fairly lean in texture with bracing acidy and a relatively short finish. I liked it but it isn't 'great' wine.
Pretty complex nose with pear, seaweed/roasted nori and a touch of wet stone. Fairly lean in texture with bracing acidy and a relatively short finish. I liked it but it isn't 'great' wine.
Aug 30th, 2016
Pretty gd delicious; very pale in color, a beautiful mid-palate explosion of citrus and leaves the teeth tinglin.
Pretty gd delicious; very pale in color, a beautiful mid-palate explosion of citrus and leaves the teeth tinglin.
Jun 3rd, 2016
Clean and fresh, more apple than butter, more mineral than white fruit. Don’t buy the ”the grapes are from a parcel across the street from the 1er cru blah blah blah”. Nice wine, low QPR, wonderful producer.
Clean and fresh, more apple than butter, more mineral than white fruit. Don’t buy the ”the grapes are from a parcel across the street from the 1er cru blah blah blah”. Nice wine, low QPR, wonderful producer.
May 30th, 2022