15.5/20 (88/100)
Ровно, чисто, понятно, без изюминки.
15.5/20 (88/100)
Ровно, чисто, понятно, без изюминки.
Mar 11th, 2016
It has what an excellent wine should have...: character and friendliness + precise mineral touch
It has what an excellent wine should have...: character and friendliness + precise mineral touch
Jan 23rd, 2022
Another beautiful Bordeaux blend from Israel. Well done.
Another beautiful Bordeaux blend from Israel. Well done.
Sep 8th, 2021
Elegant Bordeaux blend. From a mag.
Elegant Bordeaux blend. From a mag.
Aug 5th, 2018
Past its prime
Oct 26th, 2016
Great Israeli wine. After a streak of losers, found a winner. Great red and black fruit. Great mid palate. Smooth tannins.
Great Israeli wine. After a streak of losers, found a winner. Great red and black fruit. Great mid palate. Smooth tannins.
Nov 18th, 2015
Juicy fruit but no character.
Juicy fruit but no character.
Apr 18th, 2015
Delicous. Mistakable for a young Bordeaux. Best Passover wine I've ever had.
Delicous. Mistakable for a young Bordeaux. Best Passover wine I've ever had.
Apr 4th, 2015
Spectacular Israeli wine. I am buying it
Spectacular Israeli wine. I am buying it
Apr 1st, 2015
Very few kosher wines give you the full mouth experience quite like this one.
Very few kosher wines give you the full mouth experience quite like this one.
Nov 23rd, 2014