

Proprietors Reserve Pinot Noir 2014


Fantastic #pinotnoirs #pinotrocks #sbcountywines #summerland great fruit aromas, explosive. — 9 years ago

Jonathan, Ron and 4 others liked this


Bien Nacido Vineyard Pinot Noir 2009

Had a tour of California Pinot Noirs that I picked up from Total Wine last weekend. This was the only one I felt compelled to share. The Bien Nacido vineyard consistently produces excellent harvests of Pinot Noir due to it being a maritime influenced desert. It has such a reputation that wine using grapes grown and/or sourced there often label their bottles with the Bien Nacido "brand". ~$45 (~26 at Total Wine) | #biennacido #santamariavalley #pinotnoir #summerland

On the eyes: Rusty, Bright Ruby, Med Opacity, Med Stain, Legs, No Gas/Floc.

On the nose: Strawberry and Unripe Cherry, Vinuous with a Hint of Forest Floor, Med Alcohol

On the tongue: Med Acid, Med Tannin, Med Alcohol, Light-Med Body. Cranberry, Unripe Strawberry with Hints of Oak and Chocolate.
— 10 years ago

Jason Miller
with Jason