

Saveria Santa Cruz Mountains Pinot Noir 2016


Very bright. High acid. Tart and nervy. Interesting and I believe will age very cool. #pinotnoir #santacruz — 4 years ago

Mike, Douglas and 5 others liked this

Bonny Doon Vineyard

Riesling to Live 2008

petrol with burnt toasty notes, 1% residual but dry feel #bonnydoon #santacruz #davenport — 11 years ago

BonnyDoon liked this

Bonny Doon Vineyard

Le Cigare Blanc Beeswax Vineyard White Rhone Blend

#grenacheblanc and #roussane crisp, pineapple creamy blue cheese in the palate #bonnydoon #santacruz #davenport — 11 years ago

BonnyDoon liked this
BonnyDoon Vineyard

BonnyDoon Vineyard

The unsung hero of our lineup. Glad you appreciated the Cigare Blanc! Thank you for your review. Cheers!

Bonny Doon Vineyard

Ca' del Solo Estate Vineyard Nebbiolo 2007

Great tannins, red fruits nice acidity with earthiness, meat and mushroom #bonnydoon #santacruz — 11 years ago

Jennifer and BonnyDoon liked this
BonnyDoon Vineyard

BonnyDoon Vineyard

The `07 is a staff favorite, so glad to hear you enjoyed! The `09 should be coming into its own soon. Cheers, and thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again doon.