
Fort Ross

Fort Ross Vineyard Pinot Noir 2019

First-rate #sonomacoastpinot #fortross producer so I could not pass up the WTSO special offer price on this fairly recent vintage. Seems to open up after a day or two in the wine fridge. Delicate nose of dried rose petal and cherries, medium bodied mouthfeel. Delicious wine but their Sea Slope Sonoma Coast lower tier offering was just as good with higher QPR. — 2 months ago

Tree and "Odedi" liked this

Malk Family Vineyards

Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir 2014

There is a licorice element flexing behind ripe plum, smoky raspberry and blueberry. But this isn’t simply a still life with fruit. Besides black olive and a burnt butternut aspect, there is a textural uniqueness that emerges from cassis, rich raspberry, and even a grape extraction. #Malk #fortross #pinotnoir #sonomapinot — 7 years ago

Wes Mar Winery

Fort Ross - Seaview Pinot Noir 2013

Tasting beautifully right now after 1+ hour decant #fortross-seaview #sonomacoast #deedubcellar #wesmarwinery — 7 years ago

Philip Slater
with Philip