Straw hue. Nose of white flowers and orchard fruit. Fresh pear, apple, peach, and cantaloupe, honeysuckle, white lilies, honey, and wet stone on the palate. Dry. Vintage 2017. ABV 13%. Works well with the spiciness and heat of the chili. Spent considerable time thinking about what best to pair with chili, from a wine perspective. Glad we chose this one, but second choice was to pair with a Southern Rhône, Grenache-based blend, which leads me to this question: what wine do you think best complements chili or a red-meat dish with Mexican spices? So curious as to what others have tried and liked. #riesling #alsace #alsacegrandcru #schlossberg #annekriesling — 5 years ago
Straw hue. Nose of white flowers and orchard fruit. Fresh pear, apple, peach, and cantaloupe, honeysuckle, white lilies, honey, and wet stone on the palate. Dry. Vintage 2017. ABV 13%. Works well with the spiciness and heat of the chili. Spent considerable time thinking about what best to pair with chili, from a wine perspective. Glad we chose this one, but second choice was to pair with a Southern Rhône, Grenache-based blend, which leads me to this question: what wine do you think best complements chili or a red-meat dish with Mexican spices? So curious as to what others have tried and liked. #riesling #alsace #alsacegrandcru #schlossberg #annekriesling — 5 years ago