
Torre dei Beati

Giocheremo Con i Fiori Abruzzo Pecorino

L'impatto in bocca è davvero deciso: le note fruttate esplodono in bocca e la persistenza ti fa capire che è un vino fatto come si deve. Ottima bottiglia! #fumawine #pecorino #abruzzowine #whitewine #italianwines — 7 years ago

Azienda Agricola Valle Reale

Vigneto Sant'Eusanio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2011

2011 was a good year for Valle Reale in Abruzzo., very similar weather to 2007. The Sant’Eusanio vineyard is a small patch nestled among pine woods. At 497 m it is the highest zone in Valle Reale, this helps with the large diurnal swing. The vines were planted in 2002 in soil that is poor and pebbly This produces a unique “mountain expression” of Montepulciano with high acidity and fresh, slightly lighter fruit than expected. This bottle was opened 2 days ago, still has lots of acidity, cherry, a little spice and herbal notes. This vintage should be good for another 5-7 years and represents a good bargain.
#montepulcianodabruzzo #vallereale #SantEusanio #italianredwine #abruzzowine #vinorosso #italianwines #PizzoloFamily #Popoli
— 7 years ago

Azienda Agricola Valle Reale

Vigneto Sant'Eusanio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2011

This is not brilliant wine but definitely easy to drink for $15. A weakness for Montepulciano D'Abruzzo allows me to cut it some slack. Red cherry, some spice and good acidity would lend this wine to an easy pizza or basic pasta night. Should improve in the bottle over the next 5 years.
#montepulciano #2011vintage #italianredwine ##abruzzowine #vallereale #easydrinkingred #
— 7 years ago