

Cabernet Franc 2018

Empfehlung, Frucht, tief, elegant — 4 years ago

Stephan, Aerml and 2 others liked this


Triologie 2011

Bordeaux meets Pfalz, einer der besten Rotweine der letzten Zeit. Da sich der Etikettendrucker vertan hat wird er vielleicht auch mal wertvoll, der Wein heißt eigentlich Trilogie 😂 — 6 years ago

Don, FCK and 1 other liked this


Saint Laurent 2013

This #2013 #StLaurent is more deeply colored and much denser than Zelt's Pinot, yet with clearly softer tannins that make it rather more accessible for earlier consumption. Here's the sort of wine that would look good along side a nice piece of venison or wild duck--BON APPETIT! #Zelt #Pfalz #SaintLaurent — 9 years ago

Daniel P. liked this


Merlot 2018

UBBBP Vol 32 Vorverkostung, sehr gutes PLV — 4 years ago

Aerml liked this


Kirschgarten Spätburgunder 2011

Einer der besten Pinots bisher, Zelt ist in Laumersheim mehr als auf Augenhöhe — 8 years ago

Stephan, FCK and 1 other liked this
Don Simon

Don Simon

Muss ich mal probieren


Les Tentes Red Blend

A German red. Surprisingly good and full bodied! — 11 years ago


Goldberg Riesling

Tropical and floral nose, big soft pear taste with tart finish — 4 years ago



#Zelt's #2013 #Spätburgunder (#PinotNoir) is a delicious wine that we had with a lovely dry cheese similar to a Manchego, but a piece of choice beef like a well-aged rib eye would go down very nicely. Lovely after advanced decanting, but I look forward to seeing it after another 3-5 years in the cellar.
— 9 years ago

Daniel P. liked this