Excellent! Crispy and bright like top notch Saisons. Fizzy like a Tripel Karmaliet.
Would definitely buy again to share with friends. — 8 years ago
Boston... With future vascular surgeon Torelli.... Teatro off the Commons... One of my IT Cambridge clients stops by... Great meal... Great wine... Taste so much better than it smells... Not sure, how that is possible...!Smell is such an important part of taste... Trust me on this one... — 9 years ago
commons patio — 4 years ago
Rich little monster - smooth. For the price this is a great bottle for the pedestrian, everyday glass. Will definitely be adding it to the commons rack. — 8 years ago
Found at Penn Commons. — 9 years ago
Ely Cohn
Pleasant and simple. Chardonnay of the most commons - white flowers, orchards, some nice notes of tarragon and smokey tropical. Texture of sour cream and a squeeze of lemon. — 4 years ago