Quite dark, a little heady. Doesn’t particularly convey a sense of place, and quite international, but well done. Keep a few more years. — 4 years ago
Nice cab blend - still a little tannin. Label says 30% France, 22% Chile, 30% Australia, 18% USA. No vintage on label but artwork says ‘92 which seems right. — 2 years ago
Absolutely caught me off guard. This was a simple gift from family. Now my wife and I are scrambling to buy another bottle. A phenomenal blend. Full bodied and spice. I would love for someone who actually knows what they’re talking about to try and this lol — 2 years ago
Another good one from firstleaf — 4 years ago
Spanish wine contestant in our International Wine Tasting Night — 5 years ago
See previous notes. Put simply this is a stunning Chardonnay as its Show Record will attest, with at least 5 Trophies including Best Wine in Show at the Royal Hobart International Wine Show. A good combination of citrus and stone fruit with leesy complexity and incredible length of flavour. Demonstrates once again how great Margaret River is for Chardonnay. I’m glad I have 3 bottles left. A huge bargain at $30 per bottle. Tasted again on 6th November 2021, 28 weeks later. Nothing to add. Just a killer Chardonnay which has won 5 Trophies and cost $30. QPR does not get much better than this. 96 points. Tasted final bottle on 16th June 2022 with consistent notes. Oak has fully integrated into the fruit. Should seek out more at this price. Hopefully they have kept up the standard with later vintages. — 4 years ago
Wine No. 6 of the 8 Cabernets we tasted blind on Saturday. The idea for this tasting came from Cape Mentelle who annually have an International Cabernet tasting at the winery in WA where they have the confidence to put their wine up against the best Cabernets in the world every year. This has all of the classic Cabernet descriptors of black olive, red fruits, cigar box etc. Ranked #6 of the 8 Cabernets we tasted on the day. Again needs to be cellared to realise its ultimate potential. — 4 years ago
Freddy R. Troya
This is an amazing IGT out of international variety Sauv. Blanc, it has a up lifting acidity, mild citrusy, mandarin peel. Compelling sapidity, nice minerality, dry and very refreshing. A subtle touch of wood, and low in AVB% 12. Deliciously mouthfeel. Cheers! — 22 days ago