Excelente vinho! Perfeito ! Pronto para beber! Perfeitamente balanceado! Madeira , taninos redondos, frutos vermelhos maduros, malbec para apreciadores. — 3 years ago
The nose on this is out is this world. Decanted 2.5 hours and it’s still evolving in the glass. This immediately entered my all time top ten cabs. Deep fruit. Even coffee in here at times. Seamless tannins and perfect acidity. Must track down more of this, pronto. — 4 years ago
It’s hanging on my a thread. Aged notes are dominant but still enjoyable. One left in the cellar that needs opening pronto. — 3 years ago
Fruttato, cremoso, morbido, gustoso, bilanciato, equilibrato, armonico. Pronto. — 4 years ago
Elegantissimo. Tannino setoso. Ancora bella acidita e freschezza. Equilibrato. Pronto ma l'apice è ancora da raggiungere, almeno un anno.
Frutti rossi, spezie, vegetale, animale. Bellissima bottiglia — 4 years ago
2016 vintage. Need to order some more of this-pronto. Obviously too young but firing on nearly all cylinders at this point. The go-to BDX for those that want to drop coin on BDX but aren't familiar with BDX. For those of us that are familiar with the area/wines, this producer and vintage are delivering overtime. Voluptuous and sexy mixed with just enough down to earth(iness). Drinking phenomenally now. Too youthful to accurately speculate on the end game/potential of this vintage now. Much of the baby fat is gone yet there are a few strands left. Going back to the 1988 vintage, this is in my top three Cos offerings- like now, man... 4.29.23 — 2 years ago
OMG the nose is like going into a butcher’s shop or a charcuterie specialist: deep meaty, spicy, attic-dust (sure there’s some fruit and flowers in there, in the back room); taste is med. in acids, med+ tannin, balanced and long. This is the best bottle (375ml actually) of this producer I’ve yet had and will go get more pronto. — 4 years ago
Riccardo Arrigoni
Rosso rubino fittissimo
Frutta ribes matura, caffè, cioccolato, vaniglia, prugna, uva sultanina, violetta,balsamico, rabarbaro.
Abb. Fresco
Di corpo
Armonico — 8 months ago