Complex for the price. — 3 years ago
Hurrah! The last time I had this, it had oxidised, and I ignored my remaining couple of bottles as a result. I opened one tonight as I’m moving house, and this bottle is the only one in my cellar at home that didn’t have a place in the boxes that are now packed. I thought I’d pull the cork on it tonight, expecting it to clean the drains – but no, it lives! And what a good expression this is of Cape Chenin, singing after eight years and brimming full of bitter, zesty lemon and orange acidity and airy notes of clove & chamomile. There’s also a strong whiff of mint, which adds to the freshness. Superb stuff, and a fitting send-off to the home I’ve lived in for the past seven years. — a year ago
With its bottle-side advertising, I expected this to be a tasty fruit bomb, but it's surprisingly reserved despite it's fresh-cut pineapple, pear, peach, and tropical fruit flavors. Minerals linger in the background and come through on the delicate vanilla, litchi, and guava finish. This is a great example of what people mean saying South Africa bridges the gap between Old World and New. — 4 years ago
Incredibly smooth and drinkable. With strong hints of dark chocolate. — 5 years ago
A smooth, balanced wine. Let it breathe. — a year ago
Crisp and fresh with salmon, clams casino and Bok Choi. Paired very nice  — 3 years ago
Banana, melon nose. Tangy on tongue. Effervescent. — 5 years ago
Excellent and smooth at the price — 8 years ago
Jessica Andersson
Gott. Åt det sötare hållet. — 2 months ago