
Ca Montanari

Amabile Opera 02 Modena IGT Lambrusco

Loved this, rich red color and slightly fruit forward but still nice and dry — 6 months ago

Jason Keath
with Jason

Ca Montanari

Secco Opera 02 Modena IGT Lambrusco


Tasting at Foragers — 12 years ago

Palazzo Montanari

Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore Corvina Blend 2017

Raisiny and grape-y nose offers tart and powdered candy notes, white mushroom, schist, light pepper and tea. Dry open of grape-y tartness, bing cherry and lavender petal. Mouth-coating with cranberry-blackberry and black currant, bitters and dates. Great priced ripasso.
#palazzomontanari #valpolicella #valpolicellaripasso #DOC #valpolicellaclassico
— 4 years ago

Severn, Andrew and 2 others liked this

Ca Montanari

Opera Pura Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro Lambrusco

At st Vincent. Dry sparkling red and delicious. — 11 years ago

Jen Ryu
with Jen